Friday, April 17, 2009

San Jose Community Gardens

VOANews: Singer Aims to Grow Interest in Local Farming
On AGRICULTURE REPORT: Money from Adrienne Young's new CD "Room to Grow" will help support community gardens.
San Jose Community Gardens

San José has eighteen community gardens located throughout the city. These year-round gardens are managed by volunteer staff and offer an opportunity for San José residents to have their own garden plot. Plots range from 10'x10' to 20'x30' depending on the garden, and are assigned on a first come, first served basis. All gardens have an annual water fee.

Community gardeners grow everything organically, from vegetables and herbs to flowers and fruit.

Please note, there is an application process and many times a waiting list for some of our gardens.

For more information, please call (408) 793-4165 or e-mail us.

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