Sunday, January 31, 2010

Apple Introduces the Long-Expected iPad

VOAVideo: Apple Introduces the Long-Expected iPad

After much speculation, Apple C.E.O. Steve Jobs on Wednesday introduced the company's newest device, the i-Pad. The electronic tablet allows users to surf the web, listen to music, watch movies and more. VOA's Elizabeth Lee has more.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lesson 6c - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 6c - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

Topic: the present perfect and the present perfect progressive tenses. This is PART THREE of a lesson in four parts. In PART THREE we practice forming the negative and questions in the present perfect tense. Reasons for using the present perfect are reviewed. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Interview Skills 4

The best way to get a job is through a friend of a friend...

Learn how to ask about someone's job in this podcast. Download Podcast

Learn how to make a business call in English to someone you don’t know in this episode. Download Podcast

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lesson 6b - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 6b - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

Topic: the present perfect and the present perfect progressive tenses. This is PART TWO of a lesson in four parts. In PART TWO we continue to look at reasons why the present perfect is used. A contrast is made between the present perfect and the simple past. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Interview Skills 3

Ivy Wei is an efficient, yet friendly, cashier
at Mayflower, Great Mall, Milpitas.
I was on my way to an interview and there was a lot of traffic on the road. I got to the office in the nick of time for my appointment. Download Podcast

I was just in time for my interview and I was very nervous. Download Podcast

Monday, January 25, 2010

Interview Skills 2

Dai Yanchun is the sole proprietor of Hair Dimension, Milpitas.

ESLPodcast 56 - Hiring for a Job

Find out how to talk about hiring someone for a job in this podcast. Download Podcast

ESLPodcast 59 - Teamwork

At school and at work, you have to be able to work with others. Find out how to talk about it in this podcast. Download Podcast

List of Characteristics that employers look for in good employees. Which ones describe you?

  • active
  • attentive
  • careful
  • caring
  • civic-minded
  • creative
  • dependable
  • detail-oriented
  • efficient
  • encouraging
  • enterprising
  • family-oriented
  • flexible
  • friendly
  • gentle
  • good concentration
  • good with numbers
  • great with people
  • hard-working
  • helpful
  • honest
  • independent
  • nice
  • obedient
  • open-minded
  • optimistic
  • patient
  • polite
  • positive
  • a problem solver
  • punctual
  • a quick learner
  • reliable
  • respectful
  • responsible
  • self-motivated
  • talented
  • a team player
  • well-groomed
  • well-organized
  • willing to accept responsibility
  • works well under pressure

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Interview Skills I

Zhou Hongmei just got a new job!

Learn how to talk about interviews and getting a job on today's podcast. Download Podcast

ESLPodcast 44 - Making a Good Impression

It is important to prepare for an interview. Learn how on today's podcast. Download Podcast

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lesson 6a - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 6a - PRESENT PERFECT - English Grammar

Topic: the present perfect and the present perfect progressive tenses. This is PART ONE of a lesson in four parts. In PART ONE we practice forming the present perfect tense, and I begin to explain why this tense is used. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

Friday, January 22, 2010

ESL 5 Summary of Vocabulary/Idioms Jan 16-22, 2010

VOANews: Obama Seeks Limits on Banks, Condemns Campaign Finance Ruling

The proposals came the same week as he marked his first year as president and his party lost an important Senate seat. Also, the Supreme Court eased political spending limits on corporations.

  1. 3-D TV / three-dimensional television

  2. aid package

  3. annual fee

  4. approval ratings

  5. ardent supporters

  6. budget

  7. calculate

  8. clients

  9. corrupt / graft / bribes

  10. defects / defective

  11. domestic and international affairs

  12. expenses / monthly expenses

  13. faltering economy

  14. filibuster (unlimited debate)

  15. financial crisis <> financial reform

  16. financial planner

  17. first-time homeowner

  18. frequent flyer miles

  19. fundamental shift

  20. government-insured deposits

  21. Governor / Lt. Governor / Attorney General

  22. grace period

  23. hedge funds

  24. humanitarian spirit

  25. independent voters

  26. letter of complaint

  27. low introductory rate

  28. low-ball offer

  29. master suite

  30. mortgage-related securities

  31. MP3 (audio) MP4 (video)

  32. MP5 player (multiple media)

  33. mudslide

  34. penalty

  35. photo op / photo opportunity

  36. political campaigns

  37. private equity fund

  38. real estate agent

  39. relief effort

  40. respond / responsive / responsible

  41. risky investments

  42. smartphone / superphone

  43. state of emergency

  44. tablet

  45. three-bedroom home

  46. to adjust

  47. to afford / affordable

  48. to bar

  49. to demonstrate (demo)

  50. to hire

  51. to inspector / inspector

  52. to itemize

  53. to keep track of

  54. to make a deal

  55. to negotiate

  56. to re-energize

  57. to refund

  58. to resonate

  59. to stick to

  60. to violate

  61. track home / ranch home

  62. ulterior motive

  63. voice-activated systems

  64. warranty / extended warranty

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Barack Obama: a Year as President

VOAVideo: Obama's First Year Gets Mixed Reviews

VOANews: Barack Obama: a Year as President

Mr. Obama's message for change, both in domestic and international affairs, resonated with American voters. (Read more)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lesson 5b - SEEM - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 5b - SEEM - English Grammar

Topic: SEEM (v.) This is part two of our lesson on SEEM. We now look at more advanced uses of this verb. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

In class, we will discusss...

VOANews: Chinese Official Promotes Rescue Efforts in Haiti

Chinese government also sending aid package worth nearly $4.5 million. Taiwan will send $5 million to Haiti, their ally.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Electronics Industry Hopes for a Reset in 2010

3-D TV, digital tablets and Google's new phone could help in recovering from a bad year. Thousands of new products are being presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Monday, January 18, 2010

VOAVideo: Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday a Time for Tributes

VOAVideo: Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday a Time for Tributes

On January 18th, Americans will pay tribute to the legacy of slain civil rights leader The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the annual national holiday that celebrates his birthday (January 15th). Reverend King would have been 80 years old if he were alive today. More than 50 years ago, Dr. King campaigned across the United States, leading non-violent marches and demonstrations for equal rights for African Americans. VOA's Chris Simkins looks back at his life and the impact his work had on the country.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lesson 5a - SEEM - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 5a - SEEM - English Grammar

Topic: SEEM (v.) This is part one of our lesson on SEEM. We look at the basic meaning and common uses of this verb. Level: intermediate to advanced.

Friday, January 15, 2010

ESL 5 Summary of Vocabulary/Idioms Jan 11-15, 2010

  1. Add / addition

  2. Adjust / adjustment

  3. All-time high

  4. Bargain

  5. Before <> After / afterwards

  6. Boom <> Bust

  7. Budget

  8. Charity

  9. Citizenship status

  10. Clutter <> de-clutter

  11. Collateral

  12. Come / Come over / Come on over!

  13. Come on . . . please?

  14. Complain / letter of complaint

  15. Complicate / complication

  16. Consumer

  17. Cosmetic repairs

  18. Creative / think creatively

  19. Determine

  20. Down payment

  21. Equity

  22. Favorable

  23. Features

  24. Financial planner

  25. Fact sheet

  26. First of all

  27. Foundation

  28. Green Jobs

  29. Homeowner rates

  30. Identity theft

  31. Imply / implication

  32. Informed decision

  33. Landscaping

  34. Lookie-loos

  35. Looking over her shoulder

  36. Lot

  37. Lottery

  38. Maleware (computer virus)

  39. Mortgage

  40. Open House

  41. Opportunity

  42. Pattern

  43. Permit / permission

  44. Phase

  45. Promotion

  46. Purchase

  47. Real estate agent

  48. Real estate boom

  49. Refinance

  50. Scam / scam artist / scamp

  51. Sig alert

  52. Square footage

  53. Stage / stager / stage a house

  54. Sweepstakes

  55. Take advantage of

  56. Track homes

  57. Trend

  58. Upgrade

  59. Value

  60. Variety

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Southeast Asia Games Boost Laos Prestige, Economy

As you watch this video about the , please remember our classmate,
Kitima Souvannavong, and her daughter, Vongmany.

VOAVideo: Southeast Asia Games Boost Laos Prestige, Economy

Laos recently hosted the Southeast Asian Games for the first time ever, a move that gained it prestige and perhaps just as importantly an economic boost. As VOA's Daniel Schearf reports from the capital Vientiane, the landlocked farming nation depends on exporting natural resources but it increasingly expects tourism to play a larger economic role.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lesson 4b - The Passive - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 4b - The Passive - English Grammar

Let's continue our study of the passive voice. TOPIC: Using an INDIRECT OBJECT as the subject in a passive sentence. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How Earth Is Cracked Like a Giant Eggshell

VOANews: How Earth Is Cracked Like a Giant Eggshell

An explanation of plate tectonics, the process that causes earthquakes.
Listen: Download (MP3)
Listen: Stream (MP3)
Print Version

Our professional soccer team is the San Jose Earthquakes!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Electronics Industry Hopes for a Reset in 2010

3-D TV, digital tablets and Google's new phone could help in recovering from a bad year. Thousands of new products are being presented at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lesson 4a - The Passive (continued) - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 4a - The Passive (continued) - English Grammar

Topic: The Passive Voice. This is an introduction to the passive in two parts. We talk about what the passive is, how it's formed, and why it's used. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

Friday, January 8, 2010

US Banks Under Pressure to Lend More

BARACK OBAMA: "America's banks received extraordinary assistance from American taxpayers to rebuild their industry. And now that they're back on their feet, we expect extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild the economy."

1. Listen to: VOANews: US Banks Under Pressure to Lend More

Obama criticizes "fat-cat bankers" who are making profits again, as small businesses and homeowners struggle.

2. Take the Quiz

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I wish...

  • I wish all my friends and family could be happy every day.
  • I wish I could find new job.
  • I wish I could go back my country soon.
  • I wish I could know more English.
  • I wish I could make more money and find a girl friend.
  • I wish I could pass the driving test.
  • I wish I could pass the entrance test for college.
  • I wish I could stay in your class for one more year
  • I wish I did not have to worry about anything.
  • I wish I didn't have any illness.
  • I wish I didn't have any worry about my life.
  • I wish I didn't have to worry about my 401k down.
  • I wish I had good health every day.
  • I wish I spoke English better than last year.
  • I wish I spoke English very well.
  • I wish I were a student of university.
  • I wish I were a healthy man.
  • I wish I were a strong and happy woman.
  • I wish my health was better.
  • I wish my husband had a good job.
  • I wish my mother were healthy and happy.
  • I wish my son found a good job and do well.
  • I wish you would get a new car and have happy new year
  • I wish you would get your wish.
  • I believe the year 2010 will be a good year for you and I wish you the best in the New Year.

Today, we will also study the following news story:

VOANews: US Banks Under Pressure to Lend More

Obama criticizes "fat-cat bankers" who are making profits again, as small businesses and homeowners struggle.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

JenniferESL: Lesson 4a - The Passive - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 4a - The Passive - English Grammar

Topic: The Passive Voice. This is an introduction to the passive in two parts. We talk about what the passive is, how it's formed, and why it's used. Level: high intermediate to advanced.

After the break, we are going to discuss...

ESLPodcast 92 - Types of Work

My friend Janis is in the medical field. She's an orthopedic surgeon. She's bringing her boyfriend, Tim, and I think he's an engineer in the automobile industry. Then, there's Megan. She works part-time in retail and moonlights as a tour guide on the weekends. She's been wanting to get into the hospitality industry for a long time. Download Podcast

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Banks Recover, but the Economy Struggles in 2009

Banks Recover, but the Economy Struggles in 2009

The stock market recovered. And banks repaid billions of dollars in government rescue money. But the housing market and unemployment weighed on the economy.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Lesson 3c - Prepositions - English Grammar

JenniferESL: Lesson 3c - Prepositions - English Grammar

This is part 3 of a lesson on prepositions of location and direction. The list of prepositions is long, so this is meant to be a review and not an introduction. Level: high beginner - intermediate.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year in 50 Languages

in30tv: Happy New Year in 50 Languages

  1. Afrikaans - Voorspoedige nuwe jaar !
  2. Arabic - Kul'am wa antum bikhair !
  3. Armenian - Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand !
  4. Basque- Urte Berri on !
  5. Belorussian - Winshuyu sa Svyatkami i z Novym godam !
  6. Bengali -Shuvo noboborsho !
  7. Catalan - Bon nadal i feliç any nou !
  8. Chinese(Mandarin) - Xin nian yu kuai !
  9. Croatian - Sretan Bozic !
  10. Czech - Stastny Novy Rok !
  11. Danish - Godt NytÅr !
  12. Dutch - Gelukkig nieuwjaar !
  13. Egyptian - Colo sana wintom tiebeen !
  14. Esperanto - Gajan Kristnaskon !
  15. Estonian - Rõõmsaid Jõulupühi Head uut aastat !
  16. Finnish - Hyvää Joulua or Hauskaa Joulua !
  17. French - Bonne année !
  18. German - Ein glückliches neues Jahr !
  19. Greek - Eutychismenos o kainourgios chronos !
  20. Greenlandic - Juullimi Ukiortaassamilu Pilluarit !
  21. Hawaiian - Hauoli Makahiki hou !
  22. Hebrew - Mo'adim Lesimkha. Shana Tova !
  23. Hindi - Shub Naya Baras !
  24. Hungarian - Boldog uj evet !
  25. Lithuanian - Linksmu Kaledu ir laimingu Nauju metu !
  26. Icelandic - Gleðileg Jól og Farsaelt Komandi ár !
  27. Indonesian - Selamat Tahun Baru!
  28. Iraqi - Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah !
  29. Irish -Nollaig Shona Dhuit !
  30. Italian - Felice Anno Nuovo or Buon anno!
  31. Japanese - Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu !
  32. Korean - Sehe Bokmanee Bateuseyo !
  33. Macedonian - Среќна нова година и среќен божиќ
  34. Mongolian - Zul saryn bolon shine ony mend devshuulye !
  35. Nigerian - Barka da sabuwar shekara !
  36. Norwegian - Godt Nytt År !
  37. Polish - Szczesliwego Nowego Roku !
  38. Portuguese - Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo !
  39. Romanian - La Multi Ani si un an nou fericit !
  40. Russian - Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva i s Novim Godom !
  41. Samoan - La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou !
  42. Serbian - Sretam Bozic. Vesela Nova Godina !
  43. Slovakian - Vesele Vianoce a stastny novy rok !
  44. Spanish - Feliz año nuevo !
  45. Swedish - Gott Nytt År !
  46. Tagalog - Maligayang Pasko at Manigong Bagong Taon !
  47. Thai - Suksan Wan Christmas lae Sawadee Pee Mai
  48. Ukrainian - Veseloho Vam Rizdva i Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku !
  49. Vietnamese - Chuc Mung Giang Sinh - Chuc Mung Tan Nien !
  50. Zulu - Sinifesela Ukhisimusi Omuhle Nonyaka Omusha Onempumelelo

from Notelay