Thursday, January 31, 2013

ESL Spelling Alphabet

  • Aa Apple
  • Bb Boy
  • Cc Cat
  • Dd Dog
  • Ee Elephant
  • Ff Fox
  • Gg Girl
  • Hh Hat
  • Ii Ice cream
  • Jj Jack
  • Kk King
  • Ll Lemon
  • Mm Man
  • Nn Number
  • Oo Orange
  • Pp People
  • Qq Queen
  • Rr  Rain
  • Ss Sun
  • Tt Time
  • Uu Umbrella
  • Vv  Violin
  • Ww Woman
  • Xx X-ray
  • Yy Yoyo
  • Zz Zebra

Friday, January 25, 2013

Lesson 6 - Introducing Yourself

JenniferESL: Lesson 6 - Introducing Yourself - Learn English with Jennifer

Lesson 6: Introducing Yourself

These are REAL lessons. No actors. No scripts. A real learning experience. Do you know a friend or family member who needs to learn English? Tell them they can learn along with Natasha as I teach her the basics of the English language.

Please post comments and questions on my main channel page or my website.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Lesson 5 - More Useful Expressions

JenniferESL: Lesson 5 - More Useful Expressions - Learn English with Jennifer

These are REAL lessons. No actors. No scripts. A real learning experience. Do you know a friend or family member who needs to learn English? Tell them they can learn along with Natasha as I teach her the basics of the English language.

Please post comments and questions on my main channel page or my website.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lesson 4 - Useful Expressions

JenniferESL: Lesson 4 - Useful Expressions - Learn English with Jennifer

These are REAL lessons. No actors. No scripts. A real learning experience. Do you know a friend or family member who needs to learn English? Tell them they can learn along with Natasha as I teach her the basics of the English language.

Please post comments and questions on my main channel page or my website.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Condolences: I am so sorry!

A service will be held for Teacher Jennifer's mother, Ellen Haber Lee, 
on January 18, 2 pm at the San Jose Memorial Chapel.  Reception to follow.

What do I say at a funeral or memorial service? 
(downlad pdf)

I am sorry.

I am so sorry.

I'm sorry to hear about your husband.

Sorry for your loss.

May he rest in peace

Your wife is always in your heart.

Your mother is with God.

I am praying for you.

You are in my thoughts.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

My heart goes out to you.

My condolences.

You have my condolences.

My sincerest condolences go out to you and your family.

You have my sympathy.

You have my deepest sympathy.

Let me know if I can help you.

Monday, January 21, 2013

MLK Day and Inauguration Day

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr                                             President Barack Hussein Obama

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a christian minister.
He worked for civil rights for all people.

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
We celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on the third Monday of the month of January.
Banks, schools, libraries, and government offices are closed.

Also, today is Inauguration Day.
Barack Obama promises to be the President for 4 more years.

Because Martin Luther King, Jr worked for freedom, Barack Obama can be President.

For more info, check out Presidential Inauguration and Martin Luther King, Jr lessons.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

President Obama and Vice-President Biden

Barack Obama promises to be the President of the United States for the next 4 years.
The President is the leader of the United States.

Joe Biden promises to be the Vice-President of the United States for the next 4 years.
The Vice-President helps the President.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lesson 3 - Greetings Throughout the Day

JenniferESL: Lesson 3 - Greetings Throughout the Day - Learn English with Jennifer

Lesson 3: Greetings Throughout the Day

These are REAL lessons. No actors. No scripts. A real learning experience. Do you know a friend or family member who needs to learn English? Tell them they can learn along with Natasha as I teach her the basics of the English language.

Watch all of JenniferESL's videos for Beginning Students at
Learn English with Jennifer: Lessons for Beginners

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lesson 2: More greetings

JenniferESL: Lesson 2 - Learn English with Jennifer - More Greetings

Learn English with Jennifer and her friend, Natasha.
Lesson 2: More greetings

These are REAL lessons. No actors. No scripts. A real learning experience. Do you know a friend or family member who needs to learn English? Tell them they can learn along with Natasha as I teach her the basics of the English language.

Watch all of JenniferESL's videos for Beginning Students at
Learn English with Jennifer: Lessons for Beginners

Monday, January 14, 2013

Lesson 1: Greetings

JenniferESL: Lesson 1 - Learn English with Jennifer - Greetings

New series of lessons for BEGINNERS.
Learn English with Jennifer and her friend, Natasha.
Lesson 1: Greetings

About this series:
These are REAL lessons. No actors. No scripts. A real learning experience.
Do you know a friend or family member who needs to learn English?
Tell them they can learn along with Natasha as I teach her the basics of the English language.

I will not be posting captions (subtitles) on these early lessons. I want beginners to develop their listening skills. I will write all important information on the board.
Happy Studies to all!

Watch all of JenniferESL's videos for Beginning Students at
Learn English with Jennifer: Lessons for Beginners

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Three Kings Day

Christians celebrate Epiphany or "Three Kings Day" on January 6.
Epiphany is a story about the Three Kings who visited Jesus.

Balthazar is from Africa.
Melchior is from Asia.
Caspar is from Europe. 

They are the Three Kings.
They are wise men who study stars.

The Three Kings see a very bright star.
They follow the star to Bethlehem.
They travel many miles.

The star stops over a house in Bethlehem.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph live in the house.

The Three Kings meet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
They are very happy! 
The Three Kings give Jesus three gifts:
gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 

Today, people give small gifts, eat a special cake, 
or have a Three Kings Day Parade on the Epiphany.
The Three Kings show us that all people can come to Jesus.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Food Words

Web-ESL: Food Words

Students first match common food pictures with the words they hear. They then move on to matching the word with the sound and eventually unscramble letters to spell the foods.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Value of Coins

Web-ESL: The Value of Coins

Students learn the values of American coins and then identify an amount of money.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Names of Coins

Web-ESL: The Names of Coins

Students learn the names of American coins, identify them, spell them, and then identify an amount of money.