Monday, April 8, 2019

California Adult Education Week and Legislative Day

uscitizenpod: #AdultEducationMatters YouTube Playlist

This video is a introduction to the playlist: Adult Education Matters, a series of videos that explores WHY Adult Education isimportant to individual students and the society at large.

The next four videos in this series pair CA Legislative Day activities with USCIS questions. Download the quiz pdf: (updated). Subsequent videos include interview clips from administrators, teachers, and students.

Adult Education Week is usually celebrated in the second week of April. On Monday and Tuesday, representatives from Adult Schools all over California will go to Sacramento to speak to their state legislators about funding for adult education. This includes money for ESL, Civics, Citizenship, GED, Corrections programs, plus Career Technical Education--all of which are very, very important in the state of California and the other states as well.

Students and staff, friends and family can participate by writing letters of support to their state legislators or contact them via the CCAE mobile app. Simply tell them about WHY you love your school and how your school has CHANGED your life.

For more great ideas about how to celebrate Adult Education Week, go to

If you want to learn more facts about Adult Education, go to Educate and Educate (, a collaboration between the Coaltion on Adult Basic Education and National Council of State Directors of Adult Education.

Use hashtags #AdultEducationMatters #AdultEdu #CCAELegDay #ccaestate in your social media posts.  Tell the world why you LOVE your school.

#AdultEducationMatters: Investing in Adult students is investing America's future!