Types of Government (Legal Systems)
Capital / capitalism /
Community / communism / communist
Confederacy /
Democracy / democrat
Despotism / despot
Dissent / dissident
Fascism / fascist
Federal / federalism / federalist
Feudal /
Monarchy / monarch
Nation / national / nationalist
Reign /
sovereign /sovereign
Republic / republican
Social / socialist / socialism
Terror / terrorism / terrorist
1. “Down the road”
2. Big ticket items
3. Black market / bootleg
4. Breathtaking
5. Capacity
6. Challenge
7. Chamber of commerce
8. Chaos / upheaval
9. Characteristics
10. Contain / container <> uncontainable
11. Decade
12. Descendants / generations
13. Diminish
14. Disappoint / disappointment
15. Drama / dramatically
16. Examination system public officials
17. Exert
18. Expert
19. Feudal / feudalism
20. Gateway
21. Icon / iconic
22. Import <> export
23. Indicator
24. Infant mortality
25. Legacy
26. Liberty / liberal / liberalize / liberalization
27. Life expectancy
28. Living standards / Quality of life
29. Low-risk
30. Luxury / luxuries
31. Macro-economy
32. Mass / massed / “the masses”
33. Moon cakes!
34. Moonlighting
35. Privately-owned / private property
36. Realize /. Realization
37. Recognize / recognition
38. Reform / reformer
39. Restrict / restrictions
40. Robust
41. Rule of law
42. Significant
43. Slump
44. Stature
45. Stimulus spending
46. Sympathy / sympathizer
47. To bask in the glow of something
48. To travel abroad
49. Urban / suburban / rural
50. Wealth