Monday, October 10, 2011
How To Void a Check
HowCast: How To Void a Check
Whether you've made a mistake, like writing the wrong year or wrong amount, or want to set up automatic bill payments or direct deposit, you may need to void a check.
To complete this How-To you will need:
A pen
A check
Step 1: Write void
Write the word VOID in the space where you would write the amount of the check. If you've already written the amount, write over it.
Step 2: Write across signature line
Write VOID across the signature line on the check. If you've already signed the check, write over your signature.
Step 3: Write across the front of the check
Write VOID in big letters across the front of the check.
Tip: Technically, you only have to write once across the front, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Step 4: Write across the back of the check
Write VOID in big letters across the back of the check. Whether you've endorsed it doesn't matter.
Step 5: Write check number
Write the check number in your check register.
Step 6: Write reason
Write a note about the reason you voided the check, in case you need it later for reference.
Thanks for watching How To Void a Check!