Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What time do you __________?

What time do you  __________?
  1. Wake up:                    I wake up at  __________.
  2. Get up:                        I get up at __________.
  3. Take a shower            I take a shower at __________.
  4. Eat breakfast               I eat breakfast at __________.
  5. Leave the house         I leave the house at  __________.
  6. Arrive at school          I arrive at school at __________.
  7. Start school                 I start school at __________.
  8. Take a break               I take a break at __________.
  9. End school                  I end school at __________.
  10. Leave school              I leave school __________.
  11. Go to work                  I go to work at __________.
  12. Go shopping              I go shopping at __________.
  13. Get home                    I get home at __________.
  14. Eat lunch                     I eat lunch at __________.
  15. Exercise                      I exercise at __________.
  16. Cook dinner                 I cook dinner at __________.
  17. Eat dinner                    I eat dinner at __________.
  18. Watch TV                    I watch TV at __________.
  19. Get ready for bed         I get ready for bed at __________.
  20. Go to sleep                 I go to sleep at __________.