GVSU Student Life: How To Run A Meeting
Running a meeting for your student organization can be challenging, but there are ways to keep your organization's meetings fun and under control
On Wed, Oct 10 11:30 pm to 12:00 noon, ESL 6 will lead the first 2018 MAE Student Council meeting.
Goals of Student Council
- Give the student body a "voice"
- Give input about programs and policies
- Plan special events or projects
- Create/strengthen community relationships
- Promote the MUSD "Culture of We"
- Representatives – two from every classroom
- Staff Advisors: Patty Gairaud (Transition Specialist) and Jennifer Gagliardi (teacher)
- AM: 2nd/4th Wed of the month (11:30 am to 12:00 noon)
- PM: 3rd Tue of the month (7:00 to 7:30 pm)
- Milpitas Adult School Room 407
- Introduce student representatives
- Plan to welcome new students from October Intake
- Quick report current class activities (ex: EL Civics: Family Problems)
- Plan for November food donation