Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The 2018 Election in Milpitas

This is a composite of several videos recorded at a recent event hosted by the Milpitas Democratic Club.   The candidates shown are:

Kelly Yip-Chaun who is running for one of three seats on the Member of The Milpitas Unified School District School Board.

Marsha Grilli who is running for re-election to the Milpitas City Council.

Van Lan Truong who is running for election to the Milpitas City Council

Suraj “Sun” Viswanathan who is running for election to the Milpitas City Council

Garry Barbadillo who is running for re-election to the Milpitas City Council

Yoon Lee who is running for mayor of Milpitas

There were even more candidates there, most notably Chris Norwood for Milpitas School Board 2018 and Voltaire Montemayor for Mayor.

Note: Bob Nuñez For Milpitas Mayor 2018 was scheduled to attended this event but was unable to do so because of a family emergency.

Check out their info along with other candidates such as Jose Esteves http://www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov/_pdfs/candidates2018.pdf

Also see:

Ballotpedia: sample Ballot for state offices and propositions (new laws) for Milpitas residents

Go Milpitas website.: http://gomilpitas.com/public-resources/voting/candidates/

The Milpitas Beat http://milpitasbeat.com/ also has some good interviews and videos, too.