Friday, June 25, 2021

Summer Art and ESL Lesson 01

6/25 Fri 9:00-10:15 am Zoom ID: 578 415 3770  Teacher Vinita's ART CLASS zoom room

6/28 Mon 9:00-10:15 am Zoom ID: 578 415 3770  Teacher Vinita's ART CLASS zoom room

6/29 Tue 9:00-10:15 am Zoom ID: 578 415 3770  Teacher Vinita's ART CLASS zoom room

6/30 Wed 9:00-10:15 am Zoom ID: 578 415 3770  Teacher Vinita's ART CLASS zoom room

7/01 Thu 9:00-10:15 am Zoom ID: 597 738 4168, Password: 226317

7/02 Thu 9:00-10:15 am Zoom ID: 597 738 4168, Password: 226317


FREE interactive vocabulary activity to review. Watch this lesson on words related to art with special guest Xiaonan from ThePortraitArt, one of the top-rated art channels on YT. Over 300 thousand subscribers visit his channel to enjoy amazing time-lapse videos that present his portraits as a serene, soulful experience. INDEX: 0:01 Introduction 1:07 Lesson title 1:23 Meet ThePortraitArt! 1:53 Vocabulary set 1 2:28 What does the artist work with? 3:25 Vocabulary set 2 3:51 Where are his portraits shown? 4:18 Vocabulary set 3 4:55 How does the artist create his portraits? 5:22 Vocabulary set 4 5:56 Why does Xiaonan love portrait art? 6:34 More about the artist and vocabulary set 5 7:36 Lesson ending 7:42 Main word list for reference and review 8:00 Credits and links Watch Xiaonan's video of this portrait with his commentary. Learn about the approach he used to create this drawing.
Visit The Portrait Art YouTube Channel Support Xiaonan’s artwork at Patreon: FAQs - ThePortraitArt - Part 1 FAQs The PortraitArt - Part 2

Get Ready for Teacher Vinita's ART CLASS