JenniferESL: DRIVING IDIOMS - English Vocabulary
- back seat driver
- road hog
- running on empty
- USCIS 100: 41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?
- to print money
- USCIS 100:68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin ($100) is famous for?
- U.S. diplomat
- Interview B3
- Dollar Quiz 1 (2021)
Holding the Bag by Ana Gianola
Negasi is a taxi driver from Ethiopia who has been in the U.S. for many years and has a family. He accidentally becomes involved in a robbery and faces a moral issue. (Buy here)
- Chapter 01 mp3 .
- Chapter 02 mp3 .
- Chapter 03 mp3 .
- Chapter 04 mp3 .
- Chapter 05 mp3 .
- Chapter 06 mp3 .
- Chapter 07 mp3 .
- Chapter 08 mp3 .
- Monday: Chapter 09 mp3 .