Thursday, October 27, 2022

MAE Fall 2022 ESL 3 Class 54 Project Sentinel resources


Project Sentinel: General FH video (intro video)
  • What is fair housing?
  • How do fair housing work?
  • What are protected categories?
Project Sentinel is a non-profit organization. Our primary function is to assist individuals with housing problems such as discrimination, mortgage foreclosure & delinquency, rental issues including repairs, deposits, privacy, dispute resolution, home buyer education, post purchase education and reverse mortgages. Phone: (800) 339-6043

Project Sentinel: Present Evaluation (each attending student must complete) Fair Housing Booklet (English) (Arabic) (Armenian) (Chinese) (Hmong) (Korean) (Punjabi) (Russian) (Spanish) (Tagalog) (Vietnamese Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity for All Brochure
Download (PDF)