Sunday, August 15, 2021

From Home to School 14: Crossing the Street

Monday August 16 9:00 am -- Class starts at Milpitas Adult School

Do you want to come back to Milpitas Adult School?
  • Send an email to
  • My name is ____________________________.
  • My student number is____________________.
  • I want to come back to Milpitas Adult School.

Lesson 14: Crossing the Street

"From Home to School" by Ana Gianola

This story addresses themes of transportation, walking to school, using caution, reading signs, obeying rules, and getting to school safely.


  • How do your children get to school?
  • Are their crossing guards for your children's school?
  • Do your children know and understand traffic signs?
  • Do you walk with your children to school?
  • Do your children know their way home?